(5 голоси, середня оцінка: 4,20 з 5)
Rails for your Ruby development

Introduction Welcome to the guide that will introduce you to the beautiful world of Rails. Ruby on Rails is an extensible rich, and popular web framework that lets a developer to create and maintain complex, functional and fast web applications. It provides programmer with a wide variety of tools to rapidly create prototypes of web […]

(4 голоси, середня оцінка: 5,00 з 5)
Top 6 tools for successful work

One day Oleh Demyanyuk decided to share his knowledge about different tools, which help specialists and usual people to work more productively. What programs make your life easier? Freemind – allows you to save the information in free way. It has convenient structure, which helps to remember some information, to add examples, to find necessary […]

(4 голоси, середня оцінка: 4,75 з 5)
Security of Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails has a lot of advantages. One of them is security patterns. This point is very important, because all passwords and personal information is private. But with the help of special programs someone can get to know all private information quite easily. But it is impossible with Ruby on Rails technology. Ruby on […]

(4 голоси, середня оцінка: 4,00 з 5)
Ruby sample code examples for beginners

Ruby on Rails is a very effective Ruby framework, which uses MVC pattern and does not require compilation phase. This article contains installation instructions and the list of top 5 of the most needed Ruby sample code examples for beginners. We have to mention, that you are required to know basics of Ruby and understand […]

(11 голоси, середня оцінка: 3,18 з 5)
Manage Your Business Successfully

The more you learn – the less you lose. “The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” Napoleon Hill   You want to manage your business successful, but you don’t know how to do it? Calm down, you need an effective marketing strategy. What to start with?

(10 голоси, середня оцінка: 3,00 з 5)
Enterprise Social Networks Break Down Boundaries

People often work in the same company, but sometimes even do not know each other, especially if they work at different offices. Employees are afraid of their bosses and avoid meetings with them. All of these creates different boundaries between workers or sometimes groups of them.

(10 голоси, середня оцінка: 3,40 з 5)
5 reasons why branded games is the best type of advertising

1. Why using branded games? Thewell-known fact is that millions of people are already playing games. Games attract players – branded games attract consumers.
